Friday, June 24, 2011

my sisters, international pizza delliveries, and james noyes' bright pants

    Annie schiff, classical scholar and soon to be yale grad student has three english to ancient greek dictionaries. they are by h. g. liddell and r. scott. there is a baby one, and a slightly abridged one, and a massively comprehensive one. they are

"the little liddell", "the middle liddell", and "the great scott".

there is a limited amount of ancient greek that we have and the great scott has every word in ancient greek and citations to everytime it was ever used.

just as donald is the sock, danny is the shoe, and lou the cat is the boot,

 donald is the little liddell

danny is the middle liddell

 and lou is the great scott

 also there's becky schiff

 becky schiff is a medic in the israeli army. here is a picture of her being overly enthusiastic.

when she's not in the army she lives on a kibbutz in the north of the country called sasa.

the pub on the kibbutz is in their bomb shelter. the pubs motto is "last alcohol until lebanon".

    when the recent protests broke out in madison, wi, lou and i could hear them from our appartment which is only a few blocks away. people from all over the world called in to ian's pizza on state street to have pizza delivered to the protesters at the capitol

    According to this board in the pizza joint, they recieved orders from all fifty states, morocco, france, antarctica, czech republic, south korea, finland, new zealand, denmark, australia, canada, china, germany, england, netherlands, turkey, switzerland, italy, russia, poland, mexico, singapore, coasta rica, croatia, nicoragua, puerto rico, armenia, hong kong, haiti, iceland, israel, egypt, belgium, argentina, brazil, spain, india, qatar, taiwan, afghanistan, slovenia, uganda, and a few more that I can't read. I think one of them is malta.

there was too much for the protesters to eat so they shared with the cops. it was a beautiful thing.

 in this picture lou looks like a volleyball with a head and tail.

    also the famous james noyes visited us. I adopted lou the cat from james' family.

he wore this outfit in public today.

    he is sitting on my 1986 honda spree moped that goes a screaming 32 mph and gets about 90 miles to the gallon.

my helmet has a racing stripe.

his pants were given to him by panama pat noyes after a recent surfing expedition to morocco.

also check this out and let me know what you think. It's a map of where in the world louthecat blog readers are from. I'm not sure if its accurate because somebody might be using a proxy server or something that is showing up as a brazilian or french ip address, but if it is real that that is super duper sweet.

please post a comment if you are a lou the cat fan and you are from another country!

here's the link:
lou the cat fans from around the world!

peace in the middle east.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

a race to the finish!

this is donald pinkus the cat. he is named after

donald pinkus the person.

    we used to foster kittens when I was in high school. We would get new born kittens and the fat mama-mama cat from the shelter and play with the kittens making them well socialized so that they are more likely to be adopted.

    It was sad to have to give up tons of kitties but we always got more littler kitties so I was stuck in a state of perpetual kitten-having which is pretty cool.

     the kittens in each litter were all given names starting with the same letter as their moms name So theirs was a 'D' litter. we decided to keep donald and daniel and I decided that those were dumb names for a kitten so I said that they were donald pinkus the cat and danny mason the cat, named after two of my buddies.

    danny mason has already been featured in the blog having produced the dan mason the cat mix as dj dan mason the cat (available for download over to the right)

but today is all about donald otherwise known as "the sock".

    basically me and lou went to wilmette to visit patsy and when we were there lou and donald had a confrontation. as often is the case the fight ended with donald challenging us to a race around the world! 

here are some photos from the race

we started in chicago, il.

a balloon is a great way to start a race around the world and donald made it all the way to france.
lou and I rode west to california. we stopped in mexico to sell cocaine and stashed the money in our gas tanks.

donald rode his bicycle across europe climbing the alps along the way. he made it all the way to japan, prudently skipping over asia because its like really big and annoying.

lou and I got on a freighter and made it all the way from the pacific ocean to the Mediterranean somehow with magic then punted down the canals of venice which was very romantic.

donald surfs one gnarly wave from hawaii down around the horn of south america and then back up to the crystal clear gulf of mexico.

lou and I crossed the atlantic in a paddle boat then took off from florida in a one man-one cat go-cart hoping that we would run into donald pinkus the cat along the way so we could chuck a red shell at him.
donald pinkus began speed skating on a revolving treadmill of ice that powered a train (picture not available) that brought him to patsy's just in time to get a belly rub and to take a drink from the faucet before lou and I power-slid down ouilmette ave to the finish.

 donald pinkus won and his prize was a little mouse with catnip inside with which he was thoroughly content.

 lou and I retreated back to madison, wi to write this blog post and to eat popsicles.

we love our readers and we wish them the best.