Thursday, July 14, 2011

lou the art

lou and I spent the last 4 days apart.

I was in northern wisconsin at patsy schiff's summer house with
patsy schiff

and the famous annie schiff as well.

annie read 30(!) books in june.

meanwhile lou stayed in madison and was visited daily by the famous dan koenig.

dan koenig is a champion among kings among men. he chilled with lou and he cleaned my apartment as a surprise. big lou the cat blog shout-out and much lou the cat blog love to d k.

*update* annie left the door to my bathroom shut and lou pooped on my pillow out of spite

lou and I study art history. this is because lou is a work of art, as he has both form and intention. here is some art lou has been featured in:

grant wood's American Gothic

henry fuseli's The Nightmare (he's a demon)

lou is the Boy with a Toy Hand Grenade by diane arbus

lou the cat is hugo ball performing the dada sound poem karawane:

meow meow meoh.

Piet Mondrian's neo-plasticist Composition with Yellow, Blue, and Red and Lou

 and finally henri matisse's Woman(Cat) with a Hat

lou's asleep right now but I'm sure he would send his best regards to the dear readers.
i'd like to send my best regards to the dear readers as well.