Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Halloween, Mathmatical!


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this will be the new way of announcing new blog posts because fb is going to delete the old group because its old. so like us! you know you like us!

Lou the cat loves math. Sometimes he proves theorems, sometimes he lays down on top of them.

Halloween: Me and Lou just had a blast at Madison's famous Halloween.

A Marceline the Vampire Queen pumpkin
from possibly the best show on television, 
Adventure Time.

 Betsy came all the way from Cornell to rage with us. 
She made this Wolverine costume from scratch. 
That is to say, she sewed together bolts of cloth with thread
to make the best super hero outfit we saw all night. 

 Julian came up from UChicago to party hardy. He is a ventriloquist dummy which is a super scary costume. I had a Goosebumps book about a ventriloquist dummy when I was in third grade and I am still scarred.

 Lou the person walked all the way down the street to party with the champs (without crutches!). 
Matt Schiff got a mail bag that they use on airplanes somehow and so I dressed up as a bag of mail. Everybody knew what I was, but were still confused.

EP 2:

1) 2:47 - "Happiness is a Warm Gun" - The Breeders
2) 2:54 - "Jesus Saves" - Slayer
3) 3:19 - "No Man Can Find the War" - Tim Buckley
4) 5:03 - "Chubb Sub" - Medeski Martin and Wood

download that shiz here.

Just unzip it and drag the whole folder onto iTunes where it says "playlist" on the side panel.

Photoshop Wednesday!

Roxy Music.

Jah bless.