Monday, December 19, 2011

Lou the Cat and the TV

Lou enjoys sitting on the old 60" standard definition tube, but prefers to watch the new HD TV. Here are some pictures of him doing TV related shenanigans.

And now as promised, the art from the collection "Lou the Cat and the TV".

Part I: 
"Lou on TV"

It's like a mood ring only its a big tv. 
That color means he's in the mood to eat too much and throw up on the carpet.

 King Lou!

Part II:
"Lou Watching TV"


 Lou the lion.

 A Lou sized wild cat from the South American jungle. A new pal!

Assassin's creed!

 Amur Leopard...

 ...with a little cub!

All these prints are available for sale framed with premium acid free matting.
All proceeds will go the LTCFFCTAOKCRPWOWCPSOFAIT organization.

That is the "Lou The Cat Foundation For Cat Toys And Other Kitty-Cat Related Paraphernalia, With Or Without Catnip; Probably Strings Or Feathers Are Involved Too."

Happy Holidays,
If in doubt buy them bright colored shoes.

-Team Lou

Thursday, December 8, 2011

monkeys and great novels

First, like us cause its the new way for getting updates on posts   (over there)->

If an infinite number of monkeys sat for a bit, or one monkey with an infinite amount of time typing at a typowriter, they would eventually churn out the complete works of shakespeare.

The chance of typing it out correctly one letter at a time with out missing is 1 / 10 ^ 7,500,000 which is like winning the jackpot every day for 20,000 years. or flipping a fair coin 25,000,000 times and it coming up heads every time.

For a monkey typing 1 letter per second, most likely the universe will end long before it produces shakespeare. But with an infinite amount of time he will churn out shakespeare an infinite amount of times.

There is a program that simulates monkeys typing at a typowriter and shows the longest string so far that matches shakespeare.

download that shiz here
(it only works on Mac OSX 10.6 or higher i.e. snow leopard or lion)
check out a good monkey website here

Lou the cat is sitting in my lap and says that if he had an infinite amount of time he would do several things.

1) Write infinitely many posts for the dear readers.

2) Dig to China

3) Read Proust's "In search of lost time"

4) Get to the kill screen in Donkey Kong

5) Beat Tony Hawk 2 with every character and get every gap... Infinity times.

6) Barf on the carpet... Infinity times.

7) Sleep on infinity televisions.

The famous Brad Garoon and I, Lou the Person,

have started a new blog called Great Novels. We write excerpts from non existant novels in the style of various authors. I just wrote the first part of an 18th century opera. Lou the person after DaPonte after Beaumarchais. I think it is and should continue to be funny.

check it out, bookmizzle that shizzle.

Next week I will be doing a presentation of photography entitled "Lou and the TV" here is a sample:

Lou the Cat Blog EP 3

1) 3:04 - "Looking at You" - MC5
2) 3:18 - "Burning Airlines Give You So Much More" - Brian Eno
3) 3:10 - "I Wanna Be Your Dog" - The Stooges
4) 18:46 - "A Rainbow in Curved Air" - Terry Riley

This is a good one "A Rainbow in Curved Air" is a super important electronic composition.

Finally Becky Schiff sent me this link of funny cat pictures. There are lots of funny cat pictures on the interwebs but this one is particularly good.

Peace! Armageddon it's been in effect! Go get a late pass! Step!
lou and lou