Friday, March 16, 2012

True Factz about Lou the Catz

True Facts about Lou the Cat:

Lou came up with the idea for the space elevator, only originally it was a 22,000 mile high cat tree. Above the clouds it's really easy to sleep in the sunshine.

Lou can hunt for truffles.

Lou is liquid at low temperatures.

Lou the cat can form a bose-einstein condensate, with his butt.

We are a set of points in n-dimensional feature space and lou is a n-1 dimensional hyperplane that makes us linearly separable. That's the kernel trick baby.

iTunes is run entirely by lou from a cardboard box. no wires or computers, just string.

Lou owns a sawmill in Kentucky It's called Lou the cat's tree butchery.

If someone were to put Lou on a leash he would be furious, pooping furious.

Lou is the shoe-in favorite for upcoming international most handsomest cat competition and jamboree.

Lou was at Valley Forge but was warm cause hes fat.

When Lou the cat plays monopoly he only buys the oranges and the yellows and the dark blues because they have the highest return for their respective side's housing cost. He an iron.

*Lou just came up to me and yacked on the carpet. like just this very second. I have to go clean it up.

Lou went to the Mousechussets Institute of Catnology but then he turned on, tuned in, and dropped out.

Sunday Funday is the institution of partying hardy every Sunday. Two major exponents of the movement, and friends of the blog, the famous Dan Koenig and Kelsey Sveum have put together a killer website that sells Sunday Funday related gear. check it out: 

Stay tuned for a big photoshop and ya don't stop post coming soon

Lou and Lou