Friday, April 2, 2010

lou types on the catbookpro, not me & they're actually called titanic primes and it's actually called GIMPS

    A very good good friday to you.

    First, "what do you want from ltc blog? - a level of grammer and spelliing appropriate for a 22 year old" ... that's a joke. so don't bother clicking it. it's not happening.

    you see, lou the 22 year-old doesn't do the typing, lou the cat does. lou the 22 year-old just dictates, and the qwerty-keyboard wasn't designed with feline digits in mind.

plus the ragdoll breed is part maine-coon so lou has tufts of hair between his toes which hit the wrong keys sometimes. plus, shut up.

    readers, i'm sorry we exchanged harsh words.

    you are very dear to me and lou and we love you very much. to make it up to you here is that logo on the back of the computer.

that's the new lou the cat blog logo as of today, friday. i tried to make the little apple in the top left corner look like a kittycat. I screen-shot it and worked with a less that 25-25 pixel picture.
if anyone has legitimate photo shop skills we could use a real logo.

    Second, moving on from kittintosh, We're looking for prime numbers...biguns.

    I'm checking (2^43041367)-1 and lou's checking out (2^43378589)-1. each are about 15-million digits (digits!) long and would be the largest prime ever if either of our respective core-duo's say so.

It's The Great Internet Marsenne Prime Search, or GIMPS (awesome), and it's the gold rush of the number theory yukon.
     the mathmatically-minded philanthropist simply donates their unused cpu-hours to a program that checks the primality of a titanically-large prime-number candidate, and three weeks later, BOOM BABY! there's a 1 in 178845 chance that you've got yourself a prime numbsky and eternal fame.

    But wait even cooler than that - GIMPS tracks the your contribution to the project, and even tracks whole TEAMS of number cruntching number theorist bloggers and blogies.

    Team lou the cat blog! It should be called Team Win!

    For serious, Team lou would be in the guiness book of world records if we found one. I set up a proper team to join, and i'll put a little teraflop meter on the blog to keep track of our unbelievable progress, and it will be gnarly.


How to do the voodoo that you so desperately want to do-do(heh):

   - Join the GIMPS

   - Download the software (Prime 95 for Macs)

   - Join Team Lou the Cat!

    Even if you run the program when you sleep, you can find a new prime in the time of only a few blog posts.

    lou thinks you should totally go for it.

*Update* no luck as of:
[Apr 2 16:21] Iteration: 814297 / 43041367 
[1.89%] primality test of M43041367 
                     (thats a big number)

1 comment:

  1. WHOA someone hit 1000 and I missed it! Should we sing Auld Lang Sine?
