Thursday, May 17, 2012

photoshop and ya d-don't stop!

Dear readers,
    I'm sorry that I have not been posting but me and lou were pretty busy with finals. Lou's final exam for feline studies involved rigorous sleeping. Also, I accidentally locked lou in my room when I shut the door so that the clouds of smoke from the chilli chicken that Beans and I were deep frying wouldn't set off the smoke alarm. When I went to sleep that night I turned over and found myself face to face with a pile of cat poop. It was right next to my pillow. Now that's communication!

And now for some photoshoops in order of awesomeness:

 Cloud from Final Fantasy 7 the greatest video game of all time.

Lou the cat as Krang the lord of dimension X, archenemy of the animated ninja turtles.

 It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood

Me and Pika-Pika-PikaLou!

Those last two are horrifying.
Happy summer from me and lou to you.
Lou and lou.