Wednesday, December 16, 2009

louthecat's pseudorandom algorithmic outfit compiler & the to do list


Lou and i have furiously brainstormed, forgoing sleep and sustenance (stinky wholistic catfood), slaving like slaves at the black board.

     we have some big ideas, big homies. big plans for a big future. this is an exciting time to be a big fan of the big cat named lou. (sounds funny. big big big big...)

     our first idea was for a new computer program. it seems like it could be pretty sweet.

     more ideas followed, and after several-more-score-more productive hours, we realized just how many iconoclastic and paridigm-shifting iconoclasms, concepts, and plan-o-clasms that we had created.

     it is clear, that only a sweet-swinging to do list, of louthecat-proportions (it's big), could keep us organized and on track, focused, and... oh look a bicycle!

(organization is key, you see, lou the person is a spastic adhd-kid, and lou the cat must have narcolepsy or something, i'm telling ya.)

our new computer program,

on behalf of lou:
(he was john von neumann, so he's like pretty good at this stuff)

and myself, lou:
(former computer science student par excellence)

curriculum vitae:
- intro to computer science at new trier high school (2006) - F
- intro to programming at university of wisconsin-madison (2008) - F
     - to be repeated in the coming semester (lou says i'm a GPA-masochist)

     I'd like to introduce the new program, from the dream-team of software design...
The dopest in dope...
The newest in new...
The end-all-be-all in electronic feline fashion consultation applications...


The concept:
- your wardrobe is cataloged.
- the articles of clothing are sorted and numbered.

     you want to get dressed in the morning, but you're too lazy to color-coordinate?
     "oh shoot, am I an autumn or a winter?"
     "does this tech vest make me look fat or stupid?"

forget about it!
just run

- a few numbers are chosen at random...
- an outfit is compiled
... and you look fabtastic!

why worry about what clothes to wear?
just let cruel cruel fate choose your outfit for you!
it's pseudo-random fashion baby, and it's all the rage!

     The project is in the planning stages right now,

(that's pseudo-code son)

     once i brush up on my l33t java skills (learn it for the first time), the app will be available for download, right here on the lou the cat blog.

     "i just love your outfit! It's got that whole, je ne sais quoi... 'I pick my clothes at [pseudo]random, yes indeed, i'm that awesome' - kind of look! You must have a fabulous fashion consultant!"
     "yes. he's a robotic cat."
     "wow, he sounds handsome..."

damn-straight he is.

      the beta testers have had promising preliminary results, just see for yourself:

     "heh heh, dressed in the dark."
     "yo, that's pretty messed up kitty-cat."

(my speedo)


absolutely fabulous!

- casual or business casual
- photo catalouge of wardrobe
- daily outfit photos can be made into a sweet timelapse youtube video

- post a particularly atrocious crime against all eyes,
  directly to: the lou the cat blog's official:

'heroic pioneers of random-fashion, official hall of random-fashion heros' 

"What a great idea!" you are right now definitely saying,
But wait there's more!

a whole gosh darn to do list more.

     The fruit of our brainstorming labor --- organized into a big to do list.
This imagination fruit basket is far too big to not be to-do-listed, and let none say otherwise.

     With such a well organized collection of fruit, the readers can see just how big the fruit is, and keep up to date on the march of fruity progress towards the unimaginable future influence and celebrity of lou the cat.

things for lou and lou

to do:

1) make a to do list.   

     (off to a good start)

2) make lou the cat a celebrity. 
     - lou on
     - lou on
     - get lou a modeling contract

3) lou-the-cat-the-company Inc.
     - publishing:
          -lou the cat comic book.
          -lou the person's proto-autobiography: the lou story, part one.
     - software:
          - louthecat's pseudorandom algorithmic outfit 1.0
     - clothing brand:
          - louthecat gear!
     - record label:
          - sign dj voldemort.

4) make the lou the cat blog even more the most awesome.
     - sweet links section
     - sweet download section
     - 'poll the dear readers'

this is just the beginning, my dear kit-shaped gingerbread cookie readers,

     excepting any shiny things in the corner of my vision distracting me,
or any warm piles of blankets near a window seducing lou to nap and nap hard,

i challenge dog himself to stop us.

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