Friday, March 19, 2010

what have you all been up to, I've been waiting patiently dear readers & lou the cat in the hat strikes back, next friday.

    I thought it was your turn to write a post...

    oh, oh really? my bad, and lou's bad too, dear readers!
I have missed you like white misses rice when it's dark out or like a cat misses fresh organic wheatgrass when he has become accustomed to it, and is without.

    this might have to be an epic post. i'll write the post and you can pick up your slack by writing an epic about it.

    I have been told by a very tall william blake-scholar, that it is a difficult genre to break into.

    I overheard this lou-the-fact when i was suffering though a long discussion between blondie and the cat on milton's paradise lost.


    huddle up team and take a knee.

    the frequency at which lou and I have been blog posts is based on a complex system of nonlinear partial differential equations which takes into account the phases of the moon and the S&P 500, as well as whether lou wakes up and sees his shadow.

which makes alot of sence. but lou thinks it would be best to switch to a more conventional once a week system. so for now on...what day is it? Friday!

    NEW POST EVERY FRIDAY! or else feel free to direct your smack talk to:

    which isn't real but I wish it was.

    I have many pictures of lou, who in the time between this post and the last, has squared the squared circle and hacked into the moon and overthrew a bananna republic and shot a 9 on the back 9 at augusta, and still managed to sleep ~11/12ths of the time.

    I'll get those together for next week (one friday from this friday, today) but until then here's this one:

now i have to erase and rejailbreak my iphone because i bricked it trying to ssh the bios of a playstation 1 onto it.
that breaks iphones so try not to do that.

have a nice week,
all the best,
dear readers,
lou and lou


  1. Hey Lou and Lou,

    Miss you both.

    Love, Becky

  2. Valiant effort at breaking into the epic genre, but first things first, where is your invocation to a muse? Lou, what inspires you? You should inform Lou when he starts the epic on the epic post.

    Please give Lou the cat a scratch under the chin for me.

    This message is from a blonde Milton-scholar (Blake can come too)
